Archive for the ‘Math Humor’ Category.

Recovery Jokes

You might have noticed that my blogging slowed down significantly in the last several months. I had mono: My brain was foggy, and I was tired all the time. Now I am feeling better, and I am writing again. What better way to get back to writing than to start with some jokes?

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The wife of a math teacher threw him out from point A to point B.

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At the job interview at Google.
—How did you hear about our company?

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50% of marriages end with divorce. The other 50% end with death.

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People say that I am illogical. This is not so, though this is true.

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Humanity invented the decimal system, because people have 10 fingers. And they invented 32-bit computers, because people have 32 teeth.

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When a person tells me, “I was never vaccinated, and, as you can see, I am fine,” I reply, “I also want to hear the opinion of those who were never vaccinated and died.”

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I will live forever. I have collected a lot of data over the years, and in all of the examples, it is always someone else who dies.

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Just got my ticket to the Fibonacci convention! I hear this year is going to be as big as the last two years put together.

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I am afraid to have children as one day I will have to help them with math.


Scam Jokes

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Business plan:

  1. Sign-up for a premium-rate telephone number through which you make money from every call.
  2. Take a loan at the bank.
  3. Do not pay back.
  4. Collection agencies start calling non-stop.

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  1. TMake a full-body selfie.
  2. Eat greedily for a year.
  3. Take a full-body selfie again.
  4. Swap before and after.
  5. Post.
  6. Collect the likes.
  7. Give diet advice.

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A cafe patron ordered a pastry, then changed his mind and replaced it with a cup of coffee. When he finished his coffee, he started leaving without paying. The waiter approached him:
—You didn’t pay for coffee!
—But I had it instead of the pastry.
—You didn’t pay for the pastry either!
—But I didn’t have the pastry.

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At a farmers market stand there is a sign: 1 melon—3 dollars, 3 melons—10 dollars. A client requests one melon and pays 3 dollars, then repeats the procedure two more times. Then he says: “I bought three melons for 9 dollars, while you are trying to sell them for 10 dollars. This is really stupid.” The farmer talks to himself: This happens all the time: they buy three melons instead of one, and try to teach me how to make money.

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If the government listens in on my phone conversations, should they be paying half of my phone bill?

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To get to free downloads, please, enter your credit card number.

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The biggest lie of the century, “I have read and agree to the terms of …”

* * * (submitted by Sam Steingold)

Ignorance: If your poker opponent got lucky cards four times in a row, he must get lousy cards now.
Knowledge: Nope, the deals are independent; prior observations have no bearing on the next deal.
Wisdom: The opponent is cheating; get away from the table now!Share:Facebooktwitterredditpinterestlinkedinmail

Mathy Jokes

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I can count to 1023 on my 10 fingers. The rudest number is 132.

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I kept forgetting my password, so I changed it to “incorrect”. Now, when I make a mistake during login, my computer reminds me: “Your password is incorrect.”

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—You promised me 8% interest, and in reality it is 2%.
—2 is 8—to some degree.

* * * (submitted by Sam Steingold)

Quantum entanglement is simple: when you have a pair of socks and you put one of them on your left foot, the other one becomes the “right sock,” no matter where it is located in the universe.

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—I keep telling my students that one half can’t be larger or smaller than the other. Still the larger half of my class doesn’t get it.Share:Facebooktwitterredditpinterestlinkedinmail

More Computer Jokes

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Don’t anthropomorphize computers: They don’t like it.

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I do not have dreams any more. What did I do wrong to make them delete my account?

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How to restore justice: Create a folder named Justice. Delete it. Go to the trash bin and click restore.

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An asocial network: When you sign up, you are friends with everyone. Then you send un-friend requests.Share:Facebooktwitterredditpinterestlinkedinmail

Even More Jokes

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—Honey, we are like two parallel lines.
—Why do you say that?
—The intersection of our life paths was a mistake.

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—Q: Why did the obtuse angle go to the beach?
—A: Because it was over 90 degrees.

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Ancient Roman in a clothing store: How come XL is larger than L?

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—Which is the odd one out: one, three, six, seven?
—Well, three of them are odd ones.

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When I am with you, I solve integrals in my head, so that blood can come back to my brain.

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There are two kinds of people in this world: Those that can extrapolate from incomplete data.

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Seven has the word even in it, which is odd.Share:Facebooktwitterredditpinterestlinkedinmail

More Jokes

I’ve been collecting math jokes for many years. I thought I’ve seen them all. No. Inventive people continue to create them. I was recently sent a link to a math joke website that features many jokes that are new to me. Here are my favorites:

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With massive loss of generality, let $n=5$.

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How do you prove a cotheorem? Using rollaries.

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$0\to A\to B \to C \to 0$. Exactly.

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Let $\varepsilon\to 0$. There goes the neighborhood!

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Take a positive integer $N$. No, wait, $N$ is too big; take a positive integer $k$.

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Calculus has its limits.

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There is a fine line between a numerator and a denominator.

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There’s a marked difference between a ruler and a straightedge.

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Suppose there is no empty set. Then consider the set of all empty sets.

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Q: Why is it an insult to call someone “abelian”?
A: It means they only have a 1-dimensional character, and are self-centered.

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Q: What’s a polar bear?
A: A rectangular bear after a coordinate transform.

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A logician rides an elevator. The door opens and someone asks:
—”Are you going up or down?”

Time for Jokes

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—Mike, here are 10 chocolates. Give half of them to your brother.
—OK. I’ll give him three chocolates.
—You can’t count?
—I can, but he can’t.

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—How is your progress?
—Done or left to do?

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—Q: What did Al Gore play on his guitar?
—A: An Algorithm.

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I put my root beer in a square glass. Now it’s just beer.

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—Q: Why shouldn’t you argue with a decimal?
—A: Decimals always have a point.

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—I am cold.
—Go stay in the corner. It’s 90 degrees.

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Arithmetic is the art of counting up to twenty without taking off your shoes.

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I bought a book online “How to implement an Internet scam.” Somehow, though, it’s been a while, and I still haven’t received it.

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Sex is a pathetic thrill for losers who are not able to take a triple integral.

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Paradox: Less money, more need to count it.Share:Facebooktwitterredditpinterestlinkedinmail

Statistics Jokes

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Do you know a statistics joke?
Probably, but it’s mean!

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Twelve different world statisticians studied Russian roulette. Ten of them proved that it is perfectly safe. The other two scientists were unfortunately not able to join the final discussion.

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A statistician bought a new tool that finds correlations between different fields in databases. Hoping for new discoveries he ran his new tool on his large database and found highly correlated events. These are his discoveries:

  • The most correlated fields were the title and the gender. If the title is Mr., then the gender is male.
  • The children have the same last names as parents.
  • The children are much younger than the parents.
  • The main cause of divorces is weddings.

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Scientists discovered that the main cause of living ’till old age is an error on the birth certificate.

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Scientists concluded that children do not really use the Internet. This is proven by the fact that the percentage of people saying ‘No’ when asked ‘Are you over 18?’ is close to zero.

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— Please, close the window, it is cold outside.
— Do you think it will get warmer, after I close it?Share:Facebooktwitterredditpinterestlinkedinmail

Laughing at 225

It is time to report on my weight loss progress. Unfortunately, the report is very boring; I am still stuck at the same weight: 225. What can I do? Let’s laugh about it. Here are some jokes on the subject.

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After the holidays I stepped on my scale. After an hour I tried again and had a revelation: tears weigh nothing!

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I am on a miracle diet: I eat everything and hope for a miracle.

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Ideas to lose weight: A glass of water three days before your meal.

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I wanted to lose five pounds by this summer, now I have only ten pounds to lose to reach my goal.Share:Facebooktwitterredditpinterestlinkedinmail

Jokes That Clicked

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A button of unknown functionality should be pressed an even number of times.

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When I tell you that I am closer to 30 than to 20, I mean to tell you that I am 42.

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If a car with a student-driver sign gets its windshield wipers turned on, then the car is about to turn.

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I always learn from the mistakes of people who followed my advice.

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A traffic policeman stops a car:
—You’re going 70 in a 35 miles-per-hour zone.
—But there are two of us!

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The most popular tweet, “Live your life so that you do not have time for social networks.”Share:Facebooktwitterredditpinterestlinkedinmail