My Students’ Jokes

The homework I give to my students (who are in 6th through 9th grades) often starts with a math joke related to the topic. Once, I decided to let them be the comedians. One of the homework questions was to invent a math joke. Here are some of their creations. Two of my students decided to restrict themselves to the topic we studied that week: sorting algorithms. The algorithm jokes are at the end.

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A binary integer asked if I could help to double its value for a special occasion. I thought it might want a lot of space, but it only needed a bit.

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Everyone envies the circle. It is well-rounded and highly educated: after all, it has 360 degrees.

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Why did Bob start dating a triangle? It was acute one.

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Why is Bob scared of the square root of 2? Because he has irrational fears.

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Are you my multiplicative inverse? Because together, we are one.

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How do you know the number line is the most popular?
It has everyone’s number.

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A study from MIT found that the top 100 richest people on Earth all own private jets and yachts. Therefore, if you want to be one of the richest people on Earth, you should first buy a private jet and yacht.

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Why did the geometry student not use a graphing calculator? Because the cos was too high.

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Which sorting algorithm rises above others when done underwater? Bubble sort!

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Which sorting algorithm is the most relaxing? The bubble bath sort.


One Comment

  1. Korepetytor Online:

    How does algebra solve its problems?
    It simply moves them to the other side.

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