My Family’s Jokes

I collect math jokes and, of course, show them to my family. From time to time, my family contributes. The first joke is by my son, Alexey.

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When you board a train traveling East from Chicago to Boston at 60 miles an hour, you realize you are a part of the problem.

And this one is one of mine.

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A dyslexic’s excuse: my god ate my homework.

My grandson, Alex, heard the following famous joke.

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A logician rides an elevator. The door opens, and someone asks:
—”Are you going up or down?”

He created his own version.

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A logician rides an elevator. The door opens, and someone asks:
—”Are you going up or down?”
“No,” replies the logician and walks out.

Alex, though he is 10, is very good with words. I liked the wordplay in one of his comments.

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This puzzle is confusling.


Two Lovely Puzzles

These two puzzles were given to me by Andrey Khesin.

Puzzle. My friend and I are going to play the following game at a casino. Each round, each of us (my friend, the dealer, and I) secretly chooses a black or white stone and drops it in the same bag. Then, the contents of the bag are revealed. If all three stones are the same color, my friend and I win the round. If not, we lose to the dealer. One extra caveat. I have a superpower: as soon as we sit down, I can read the dealer’s mind and learn the dealer’s choices for all future rounds. Unfortunately, at that time, it’s too late for me to give this information to my friend and win all the rounds. The only thing we can do is agree on a strategy before the game.

  • Design a strategy to win 6 out of 10 rounds.
  • Design a strategy to win 7 out of 11 rounds.
  • Is it possible to win 6 out of 9 rounds?

Puzzle. In a crowd of 70 people, one person is a murderer, and another person is a witness to said murder. A detective can invite a group into his office and ask if anyone knows anything. The detective knows that everyone except the witness would say nothing. The witness is a responsible person who is more afraid of the murderer than they desire to fulfill their civic duty. If the witness is in the same group as the murderer, the witness will be silent; otherwise, the witness will point to the murderer. The detective knows this will happen and wants to find the murderer in as few office gatherings as possible. What is the minimum number of times he needs to use his office, and how exactly should the detective proceed?


Some Recent Puns Added to My Collection

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—Why was the fraction worried about marrying the decimal?
—Because he would have to convert.

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—How does a professional mathematician plow a field?
—With a protractor.

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—How many bakers does it take to bake a pi?

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—What did the witch doctor say after lifting the curse?

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—What do you call a teapot of boiling water on top of a mountain?
—A high-pot-in-use.

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—What do you call a K1 graph drawn at freezing temperature?
—An ice-olated vertex!


Some Recent Jokes Added to My Collection

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—What is the best way to pass a geometry test?
—Know all the angles.

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—Did you hear about the over-educated circle?
—It has 360 degrees!

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—What do parallel lines and vegetarians have in common?
—They never meat.

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—Did you hear about the mathematician who’s afraid of negative numbers?
—He’ll stop at nothing to avoid them.

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—What do you call a gentleman who spent all the summer at the beach?
—A tangent.

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—What do mathematicians and the Air Force have in common?
—They both use pi-lots.

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—Why can’t a nose be 12 inches long?
—Because then it would be a foot.

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—Are monsters good at math?
—Not unless you Count Dracula.

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—Why did the math professor divide sine by tan?
—Just cos.

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Two is the oddest prime.


Guess the Number in One Question

There are a lot of puzzles where you need to guess something asking only yes-or-no questions. In this puzzle, there are not two but three possible answers.

Puzzle. Mike thought of one of three numbers: 1, 2, or 3. He is allowed to answer “Yes”, “No”, or “I don’t know”. Can Pete guess the number in one question?

Yes, he can. This problem was in one of my homeworks, and my students had a lot of ideas. Here is the first list were ideas are similar to each other.

  • I am thinking of an odd number. Is my number divisible by your number?
  • If I were to choose 1 or 2, would your number be bigger than mine?
  • If I were to pick a number from the set {1,2,3} that is different from yours, would my number be greater than yours?
  • If I have a machine that takes numbers and does nothing to them except have a 50 percent chance of changing a two to a one. Would your number, after going through the machine, be one?
  • If I were to choose a number between 1.5 and 2.5, would my number be greater than yours?
  • If your number is x and I flip a fair coin x times, will there be at least two times when I flip the same thing?
  • I am thinking of a comparison operation that is either “greater” or “greater or equal”. Does your number compare in this way to two?

One student was straightforward.

  • Mike, please, do me a favor by responding ‘yes’ to this question if you are thinking about 1, ‘no’ if you are thinking about 2, and ‘I don’t know’ if you are thinking about 3?

One student used a famous unsolved problem: It is not known whether an odd perfect number exists.

  • Is every perfect number divisible by your number?

Then, I gave this to my grandchildren, and they decided to answer in a form of a puzzle. Payback time.

  • I’m thinking of a number too, and I don’t know whether it’s double yours. Is the sum of our numbers prime?


Icosahedron’s Resistance

I rarely post physics puzzles, but this one is too good to pass on.

Puzzle. A wireframe icosahedron is assembled so that each of its edges has a resistance of 1. What is the total resistance between opposite vertices of the icosahedron?

While we are at it, another interesting question would be the following.

Puzzle. A wireframe cube is assembled so that each of its edges has a resistance of 1. What is the total resistance between opposite vertices of the cube?

And this reminds me of a question I heard when I was preparing for an IMO many years ago.

Puzzle. A wireframe infinite square grid is assembled so that each of its edges has a resistance of 1. What is the total resistance between two neighboring vertices?



Have you ever heard of ikigai? The Japanese concept which gives four simple requirements for a happy career:

  • Do what you love.
  • Do what you are good at.
  • Do what impacts the world.
  • Do what you can get paid for.

I often think about it for myself and for my students. Is this good advice for finding a career path?

I like that ikigai separates the first two requirements: passion and gift. Many of my students do not see the difference, as passion and gift are highly correlated. When you love something, you practice it and become better at it. When you are good at something, it becomes easy and enjoyable.

Nonetheless, passion and gift are different. Unfortunately, I’ve seen students who are good at math only because their parents push them, but they do not love it. Some of them already found their passion but are afraid to tell their parents. Some haven’t yet found their passion, but it is perfectly clear that math is not it. So, a gift doesn’t imply passion.

What about the other way around? My programs are too selective, so I haven’t seen students who are not gifted in math. I will use myself as an example. I have always passionately loved dancing, but it is obvious that my dancing career would have been a disaster. I am very happy I closed that career path in fifth grade.

Anyway, the first two ikigai requirements are not the same, and both are necessary.

The third ikigai requirement is about doing what the world needs. Impacting the world is a great motivator and makes you feel good. And yet, I see happy and successful mathematicians who only care about the beauty of what they are doing and nothing else. This requirement is important but might not be a deal breaker for everyone.

The last ikigai requirement is crucial. If you are not being paid for your efforts, it is not a career; it is a hobby. I got attracted to it because it includes an important caveat: you need to find people who want to pay you for what you can offer. I recently wrote an essay Follow Your Heart? about many young aspiring opera singers who ignored this last requirement and ended up changing careers.

Nevertheless, the whole concept of ikigai bugs me. People who find their dream job might agree to work for much less pay than they are worth. It opens them up to potential exploitation by greedy employers.

Have I reached my ikigai? Judging by my low pay, I am close.


Mini Stupidity

My grandkids like playing a game while I drive. They look out the window to spot the cars they like and score points. A Jeep is 1, a convertible is 10, a Mini Cooper is 40, and a Bug is 100. If we are lucky and see a convertible Mini or Bug, we get 10 extra points for convertibility. I play with them, of course. As a result, I can recognize minis and bugs from hundreds of miles away (I am exaggerating).

Recently, a Mini annoyed me. I was driving behind one, warmly thinking about my grandchildren, when its right turn signal started flashing. The signal looked like an arrow pointing to the left. I got so confused that my grandkids flew from my mind.

When I came home, I started googling and discovered that Mini designers wanted the British symbolism on their cars. The right signal is reminiscent of the right half of the British flag.

UK flag
Mini Cooper Right Turn Signal

Here is the picture from Reddit with the left turn signal on.

Mini Cooper Turn Signal

I am writing this essay but afraid to show my grandkids these pictures. They would be maxi-disappointed with Minis.


The Angry Wife

Here is the homework problem I gave to my PRIMES STEP students.

Puzzle. A man called his wife from the office to say that he would be home at around eight o’clock. He got in at two minutes past eight. His wife was extremely angry at this lateness. Why?

The expected answer is that she thought he would be home at 8 in the evening, while he arrived at 8 in the morning. However, my students had more ideas.

For example, one student extended the time frame.

  • The man was one year late.

Another student found the words “got in” ambiguous.

  • He didn’t get into his house two minutes past eight. He got into his car.

A student realized that the puzzle never directly stated why she got angry.

  • The wife already got angry when he said he would be home around eight, as she needed him home earlier.

The students found alternative meanings to “called his wife from the office” and “minutes.”

  • He had an office wife whom he called. But the wife at home was a different wife, and she was angry.
  • “Two minutes past eight” could be a latitude.

My Unique Christmas Card

One of the perks of being a teacher is receiving congratulations not only from family and friends, but also from students. By the way, I do not like physical gifts — I prefer just congratulations. Luckily, MIT has a policy that doesn’t allow accepting gifts of any monetary value from minors and their parents.

Thus, my students are limited to emails and greeting cards.

One of my former students, Evin Liang, got really creative. He programmed the Game of Life to generate a Christmas card for me. You can see it for yourself on YouTube at: Conway Game of Life by Evin Liang.

This is one of my favorite congratulations ever.
