Next Bunch of Jokes

Recently, I decided to stop avoiding puns and childish math jokes. So I am posting a lot of famous jokes I have heard before but never added to my collection.

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—What are ten things you can always count on?
—Your fingers.

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—Why should you never mention the number 288?
—Because it’s two gross.

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—Why did the two 4’s skip lunch?
—They already 8!

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—How do you make one vanish?
—Add a “g” to the beginning.

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—Why was 6 afraid of 7?
—Because 7 8 9.

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—How do deaf mathematicians communicate?
—With sine language.

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—Why don’t math majors throw house parties?
—Because it’s dangerous to drink and derive.

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—What’s the official animal of Pi day?
—The Pi-thon!

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—What do you get when you take the sun and divide its circumference by its diameter?
—Pi in the sky.

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—Who’s the king of the pencil case?
—The ruler.

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—Why was the inchworm angry?
—He had to convert to the metric system.



  1. Charles:

    I’ve been checking back since the Latin Square post. I wrote a blog and a JavaScript puzzle about it. I really enjoy those things so much.

    Anyway I’ve been sharing these with my son who loves riddles. It’s always nice to have more math based ones too.

  2. Korepetycje z matematyki Online:

    This collection of puns and math jokes is a delightful blend of humor and wit. The clever play on words, mathematical concepts, and puns adds a light-hearted touch to the post. It’s a fun way to share classic jokes and inject a bit of humor into the often serious world of math. A great choice for those who appreciate a good laugh with a mathematical twist! 🤣📚✨

  3. Marta:

    A lot of fun. May I use some od them to my use?

  4. tanyakh:

    Sure, Marta. Use them.

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