Archive for November 2008

Safer Parking

Once I was at a party and a woman was complaining that her car insurance bills were enormous. Her expensive car was hit three times while it was parked. She was whining about how unfair it was for her to be paying increased insurance premiums when it hadn’t been her fault. I didn’t tell her my opinion then, but I’m going to write about it now.

Though such things can happen, it is possible to reduce the probability of your parked car being hit.

In my personal experience the most frequent parking accident happens when someone backs out of a driveway and there is a car parked in a space which is usually empty. People often back out of their driveways on autopilot. If you park on a narrow street with no other cars — a sign that people don’t usually park there, do not park across from a driveway or close to a driveway.

There are many other common sense ideas. Don’t park at a corner. Choose the better lit areas. Don’t park next to a truck or a van, because they might not see you very well and if they hit you, they’ll do more damage. Don’t park next to an old, battered car because they have less to lose than you do. New cars are the best neighbors. Not only are owners of new cars usually more careful, but new cars are also often leased. And people who lease a car are even more careful, because they have to return it in good order.

When you are choosing a perpendicular parking spot, here’s a cute idea. Pick cars with four doors as your neighbors. Cars with two doors have bigger doors and if you are too close, they might scratch you.

Here’s what I would have told that woman: If your car has been hit so many times while parked, you should rethink your parking strategy.


Two Coins Puzzle

Browsing the Internet, I stumbled upon a coin puzzle which I slightly shrank to emphasize my point:

Carl flipped two coins and was asked if at least one of the two coins landed “heads up”. He replied, “Yes. In fact the first coin I flipped landed heads up.” What is the chance that Carl’s coins both landed heads up?

The standard answer is 1/2, because there are only two possibilities for the coin flips: HH and HT. But how do we know that these possibilities are equally probable?

The answer depends on what we expect Carl to say when he flips two heads. My personal assumption is that Carl is a perfectionist and always volunteers extra information. If Carl gets two heads, I would expect him to say, “Yes. In fact both coins I flipped landed heads up.” In this case the answer to the puzzle is 0.

Another strange but reasonable assumption is that upon flipping two heads, there is an equal probability that Carl would say either, “Yes. In fact the first coin I flipped landed heads up;” or, “Yes. In fact the second coin I flipped landed heads up.” In this case, the answer to the puzzle is 1/3.

I could describe an assumption for Carl’s answering strategy that leads to the puzzle’s answer of 1/2, but it looks too artificial to me.

This puzzle is not well-defined, but unfortunately there are many versions of it floating around the Internet with incorrect solutions.


How I Chose My Math Adviser

Israel GelfandOne day I got a phone call from Victor Gutenmacher, one of the members of the jury for the USSR Math Olympiad. At that time I was 15 and had won two gold medals at the Soviet Math Olympics. Victor asked me about my math education. I explained to him that although I went to a special school for gifted children, I wasn’t doing anything else. In his opinion, other kids were using more advanced mathematics for their proofs than I was. He said I was coloring everything in black and white; other kids were using calculus, while I was only using elementary math. He asked me if I would like to learn more sophisticated mathematics.

I said, “Sure.” After considering several different options, Victor suggested Israel Gelfand’s seminar at Moscow State University. He told me that this seminar might suit me because it starts slowly, picking up pace only at the end. He also told me that the seminar was like a theater. Little did I know that I would become a part of this theater for many years to come. I also didn’t know that I would meet my third husband, Joseph Bernstein, at this seminar. Joseph used to sit in the front row, and I watched his back at the seminar for more years than I later spent together with him.

The next Monday evening, I went to the seminar for the first time. Afterwards, Gelfand approached me and asked me if I had an academic adviser. I said, “No.” He asked me how old I was. I said, “Fifteen.” He told me that I was too old and that I had to choose an adviser without delay. I said, “But I do not know anyone and, besides, I need some time to think about it.” He replied, “I’ll give you two minutes.”

I paced the halls of the 14th floor of the Moscow State University for a couple of minutes, pretending to think. But really, I didn’t know about any other options. He was the only math adviser I had ever met. So I came back and asked Gelfand, “Will you be my adviser?”

He agreed and remained my adviser until I got my PhD 14 years later.


Eye Color and Math Ability

When you talk over the phone with an adult stranger, you can generally determine if this person is male or female. From this, I conclude that the voice characteristics are often noticeably different for males and females. There are many other characteristics that have a different distribution by gender — for example, height.

My question is: “Can we find a trait such that the distributions are the same for both genders?”

Trying to find the answer, I remembered what we learned in high school about the genetics of eye color. I checked the Internet on the subject and discovered that the story is somewhat more complicated than what I studied 30 years ago, but still we can say that eye color is defined by several genes, which are located on non-sex chromosomes. That means, your eye color depends on the genes your parents have and doesn’t depend on your sex. A boy and a girl from the same parents have the same chances for any particular eye color.

Since eye coloring has nothing to do with gender, women and men are equal in the eyes of eye colors.

Does that mean that if we check the distribution of eye color for the world population, the distribution histogram will be the same for men and women? That sounds like a logical conclusion, right? I would argue that this is not necessarily the case.

Let me remind you that the distribution of eye color depends on the country. China has an unprecedented gender imbalance, with 6% more men than women in its population. As the eye color of Chinese people is mostly dark brown, this creates an extra pool for a randomly chosen man in the world to have a darker eye color than for a randomly chosen woman. If we exclude China from consideration, we can still have different distributions. For example, in Russia the life expectancy for women is 15 years longer than the life expectancy for men. Consequently, Russia has 14% less men than women, while globally the male/female sex ratio is 1.01. Therefore, eye colors common in Russia will contribute to female eye colors more than those of male.

What if we consider only one country? Let us look at the US. Immigrants to the US are mostly males. If the distribution of eye color for immigrants is different than the distribution for non-immigrants, then male immigrants contribute more to the eye color distribution than female immigrants.

There are so many factors impacting eye color distribution, that it isn’t clear whether it’s possible to find a group of people other than siblings in which the distribution of eye color would be the same for women and men.

We see that eye color distribution, which theoretically doesn’t depend on gender, when measured in a large population can produce different distributions for men and women.

Recently I wrote a theoretical essay titled “Math Career Predictor”, where I assumed that the distribution of math ability is different for men and women. In reality, there is no good way to measure math ability, hence we do not have enough data to draw a complete picture. For the purposes of this discussion let us assume that we can measure the math ability and that Nature is fair and gave girls and boys the same math ability. My example with eye color shows that if we start measuring we might still see different distributions in math ability in boys and girls.

My conclusion is that if we measure some ability and the distribution is different for boys and girls, or for any other groups for that matter, we can’t just conclude that boys and girls are different in that ability. For some distributions, like voice, we probably can prove that the difference is significant, but for other characteristics, different distribution graphs are not enough; we need to understand the bigger picture before drawing conclusions.


Understanding Philosophy Through Jokes

Plato and a PlatypusI got a funny book for a gift called Plato and a Platypus Walk into a Bar…: Understanding Philosophy Through Jokes. I couldn’t stop reading it. This book is an overview, and thus not very deep, but I enjoyed being reminded of philosophical concepts I’ve long since forgotten. Besides, I collect math jokes and many philosophical jokes qualify as mathy ones.

For example, self-referencing jokes:

Relativity — this term means different things to different people.

I especially liked jokes related to logic:

If a man tries to fail and succeeds, which did he do?

I knew most of the jokes, but here’s a math joke I never heard before:

Salesman: “Ma’am, this vacuum cleaner will cut your work in half.”
Customer: “Terrific! Give me two of them.”


Hanged or Electrocuted?

Here is a standard logic puzzle:

A criminal is sentenced to death. He is allowed to make one last statement. If the statement is true, the criminal will be sent to the electric chair. It the statement is false, he will be hanged. Can you suggest a good piece of advice for this man?

I can offer many pieces of advice to this man. The simplest thing is to keep silent. Or he can communicate without making statements, like asking, “Can I have some crème brûlée, please?”

One can argue that the puzzle implies that it’s a favor to allow the prisoner to make a last statement, but without it he will die anyway. In this case the standard piece of advice to this man would be to create a paradoxical situation by saying, “I will be hanged.”

Another, less standard, idea is to state something that is very difficult to check. For example, to give the exact number of planets in our galaxy, or posit that P = NP. My son, Sergei, suggested saying that “Schrödinger’s cat is dead.”

But the most popular idea among my AMSA students is to say, “I am sorry.” I’m not 100% sure that they mean it as a statement that is impossible to check. Maybe they think that these words can do magic and save lives. Or maybe it could be the best thing for a criminal to say before dying.


The Designated Listener

My scientific adviser Israel Gelfand was one of the greatest mathematicians in Russia. His seminar was famous.

One of the unique features Gelfand invented for his seminar was a role for a seminar participant that he called a designated listener (kontrol’nyy slushatel’ in Russian). I played this role for four years.

This is how it works. The speaker starts his lecture and Gelfand interrupts him. He then turns to me and asks if I understand what the speaker just said. If I say “no,” he says that I am a fool. If I say “yes”, he invites me to the blackboard to explain. Usually, Gelfand finds some fault in my explanation and calls me a fool anyway. As a result, whatever I do, I end up as a fool.

Ironically, I admired Gelfand for the way he conducted his seminars. I went to so many seminars where it was clear that no one understood anything. He was the only professor I knew who made sure that at least one person at his seminar — himself — understood everything.

The problem was that he convinced me that I really was a fool. I dreaded Mondays and I considered quitting mathematics. The situation changed when I started dating Andrey, my future second husband. He made a strong effort to convince me that I was not a fool; rather, Gelfand was a bully. I understood what Andrey was saying, but I wasn’t able to take it to heart. Not that I trusted my supervisor more than my lover, but I was more willing to believe that something was wrong with me than with someone else.

Andrey’s hard work wasn’t in vain. One fine day Professor G. from Western Europe was invited to give a talk at Gelfand’s seminar. During his talk Gelfand interrupted him many times, told him that he wasn’t a good lecturer, and that his results were neither interesting nor meaningful. After several hours of torture Professor G. became tearful. At that moment it hit me that Andrey was right. I am thankful to Professor G. for his tears; they opened my eyes.

The next step for Andrey was to convince me to resist Gelfand. His idea was for me to tell Gelfand, the next time he asked me if I understood: “Go f**k yourself!” (I mean the Russian equivalent).

At that time, I had never pronounced the f-word, even in my own head. But I didn’t have any other ideas. So I started preparing myself to do this. Finally one day I was ready. Gelfand interrupted the speaker and turned towards me as if he were about to ask me to be the designated listener. I looked back at him. He paused, looked at me again, and turned around. He never asked me to be the designated listener again.


The Word “Love” and Tomatoes

— Do you love tomatoes?
— Eating them — yes; otherwise not so much.

The word “love” expresses an emotion. But the range of emotion it can span is an enormous interval between a slight preference and a burning desire.

— Do you love tomatoes?
— I love tomatoes so much that I eat them with ketchup.

Still we can usually figure out the intensity of this emotion from the context. When someone says that he loves M.C.Escher, nobody concludes that he is a necrophiliac.

I do feel lucky that there is a special variation of the word “love” reserved to express passion. When I say that I am in love, everyone understands that I am talking about a man. You can’t say, “I am in love with my stick-shift car.” Or, maybe, you can; but I am stepping into the territory of dirty jokes:

— Anyone know any? I have lots of tomatoes, but they’re all green. A dirty joke or two might make them blush.

Why am I writing this? I do not even like tomatoes. Maybe it is because yesterday I bought some prunes and they reminded me of the tomato who went out with a prune, because he couldn’t find a date.


What’s Hidden?

Anyone knows that sometimes the text is not exactly what it seems to be. There are many different simple ways to hide a secret message inside your text. So, your humble blogger decided to run an experiment. How should we go about it? I decided to hide a secret message inside this short essay. Do you see it? Do you notice that my text is artificially adjusted for some extra purpose? Everyone can feel that this text sounds different than my usual postings. Nothing should stop you from solving this puzzle now.


It’s All My Fault

In this essay I would like to explain why I am not yet a professor of mathematics.

Today at 49 I am still in search of my dream job. My gender is not the main reason that I don’t have an academic position or another job I like. My biggest problem is myself. My low self-esteem and my over-emotional reactions in the past were the things that most affected my career.

I remember how I came to Israel Gelfand’s seminar in Moscow when I was 15. He told me that I was too old to start serious mathematics, but that he would give me a chance. He said that at first I might not understand a thing at his seminar, but that every good student of his comes to understand everything in a year and a half. The year and a half passed and I wasn’t even close to understanding everything. Because of this I was devastated for a long time.

I had always had problems with my self-esteem and being a student of Gelfand just added to them. My emotional reactions, while they impacted my work in mathematics, were not exclusively related to mathematics. When my second divorce started, not only did I drop my research, I quit functioning in many other capacities for two years.

I was extremely shy in my early teenage years. By working with myself, I overcame it. When I moved to the US, my shyness came back in a strange way. I was fine with Russians, but behaved like my teenage self with Americans. For two years of my NSF postdoc at MIT, I never initiated a conversation with a non-Russian.

For the second time I overcame my shyness. Now, if you met me in person, you wouldn’t believe that I was ever shy.

I became much happier in the US, than I ever was in Russia, but still my emotions were interfering with my research. Because it was so difficult to find an academic job here, I felt tremendous pressure every time I sat down with a piece of paper to work on my research. My mind would start flying around in panic at the thought that I wouldn’t find a job, instead of thinking about quantum groups.

Over all, I think that my inability to control my emotions, together with my low self-esteem, might have impacted my career much more than the fact that I am a woman, per se. Being a mathematician is not easy; being a female mathematician is even more difficult. Still, in my own life, I know I can only blame myself.

The good news is that I have changed a lot, after many years of self-repair. This is why I have made the risky decision, at the age of 49, to try to get back to academia. And this time I have a great supporter — my new self.
