Another Bunch of Math Jokes

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—What’s the best way to get a math tutor?
—An add!

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—Why was the equal sign so humble?
—Because she knew she wasn’t greater than or less than anyone else.

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—Where do mathematicians go on vacation?
—Times Square.

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—Why do cheapskates make good math teachers?
—Because they make every penny count.

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—Why was math class so long?
—The teacher kept going off on a tangent.

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—What did the student say about the calculus equation she couldn’t solve?
—This is derive-ing me crazy!

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—Did you hear about the statistician who drowned crossing a river?
—It was three feet deep, on average.

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—What do organic mathematicians throw into their fireplaces?
—Natural logs.

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—Why is the obtuse triangle always upset?
—It is never right.

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—What is the integral of one divided by a cabin? A log cabin?
—No, houseboat — you forgot the C.



  1. Anne-Marie:

    These are cool jokes, we might borrow a few to post at Manning’s Tutors!

  2. tanyakh:

    Sure, Anne-Marie.

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