Looking for a Well-Educated Gentleman

If you can figure out my number without the Internet, call me.

  • The number of letters in the first name of Anna Karenina’s love.
  • The number of times the word nevermore appears in the famous poem, subtracted from the month when the events took place.
  • The only number in the title of a Bergman movie.
  • The number of vowels in the original and more historically meaningful name for the sorcerer’s stone in Harry Potter books.
  • The number of vertices of the other geometric shape in “Girl on a Ball”.
  • The cube root of the age mentioned in one of the earliest Beatles songs.
  • The number corresponding to the lexicographically first string representing an integer in English.
  • The first digit of the age at which Pushkin and Mozart died.
  • The smallest of two primes such that their sum and difference are also prime.
  • The only triangular number that is also prime.

(Just in case: this is a joke and not my actual phone number.)



  1. Greg:

    A wonderful test

  2. Veky:

    I gave my wife a similar (but much less sophisticated) test for our first date. Needless to say, she passed. :-]

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