If you would like to learn more about me or contact me, you can find the information of my webpage: https://www.tanyakhovanova.com
Try also my pet project: https://www.numbergossip.com
I am thankful to Sue Katz who did most of the editing for this blog. Other people who helped me with English are: Alexey Radul, Sergei Bernstein, Rebecca Frankel and Hillary Holloway.
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Joseph Schrock:
Hello Tanya,
I’m writing to see if you might have any suggestions for me. I’m almost 68, got a philosophy B.A. and almost finished a math B.A. However, I’d very much like to help people with fairly basic math (like high school algebra, some calculus, etc.); however, my finances do not permit me to pay for a website and then advertise it online.
What I wish to do is to VOLUNTEER my time for some free tutoring of students who need help. Do you know if it’s possible to get a blog (maybe even free of charge) and set it up so that students can send in math questions? More importantly, would it be feasible to have the blog visible enough on the Web so as to have a decent chance of getting help requests?
If a blog cannot be set up like that, could one possibly get a very low-cost website that would be substantially “visible” on the Web?
I enjoy math, but have greater talent for philosophy and logic than for pure mathematics.
Any suggestions you might offer would certainly be appreciated.
12 July 2015, 7:41 pmJoseph
Anuj Agarwal:
Hi Tanya,
My name is Anuj Agarwal. I’m Founder of Feedspot.
I would like to personally congratulate you as your blog Tanya Khovanova’s Math has been selected by our panelist as one of the Top 100 Math Blogs on the web.
I personally give you a high-five and want to thank you for your contribution to this world. This is the most comprehensive list of Top 100 Math Blog on the internet and I’m honored to have you as part of this!
Also, you have the honor of displaying the following badge on your blog. Use the below code to display this badge proudly on your blog.
26 August 2016, 1:35 amAnuj
Very good blog !
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3 October 2016, 10:00 amFeel free to use it!
Dear Tanya
Hello number gossip✋. I just have to tell you I have never been good at math I don’t retain numbers very well but I’ve been so fascinated with math for a few years now and I came across your website number gossip and I think you’re so cool I never pry into people’s lives so I don’t go into their blogs or websites but I’m so glad I went into yours thank you so much for challenging my mind and opening up my heart to math. I can see the patterns in life kind of sort of oh by the way I really love sacred geometry!!!!!
2 April 2017, 6:52 pmroman:
Your photo in the video about evergreeen coffin story
2 October 2017, 1:53 amJohn Tan:
Dear Tanya,
I hope you are well. My name is John and I am currently studying for my A-Levels at Queen Elizabeth Boys’. I also run a blogging platform (CoverShr https://www.covershr.com/) where students can blog about their subject interests and passions. I love the content on your site. They’re just great and well delivered!
I was wishing if it would be possible to use some of your articles on CoverShr so that a greater number of students can have access to them. It would be a vital benefit for students, especially those who love math, studying math for GCSE and A-level or just have a general interest. It would be a pleasure to have your content on CoverShr and I believe, your works would be a great resource for many students.
Feel free to email me back through this email. Have a spectacular rest of your day.
Kind regards
25 November 2017, 4:21 pmJohn Tan
John Mason:
Hi Tanya.
14 May 2021, 11:39 amI was looking at OEIS sequence A131481 – numbers of treelike polyiamonds, aka numbers of polyiamonds that have maximal perimeter, which you posted in 2007.
In my opinion, the data is correct but shifted by 1.
Maybe the problem is due to the offset = 0, but in any case, to take as an example a(6), it should be 11, whereas you give a(5) = 11.
Did you really want offset = 0?
Or have I read everything completely wrong?
good Day Madam Tanya: Iam an teacher,I would like to ask your permission if I can use one of your clip arts attached in your blog for education purposes only.I found out that the clip art is essential in attaining my objectives of the learning resource I developed.This is for the use of public school learners in the Phillipines.This will be produced for educational and noncommercial and as an owner will be attributed properly.I I would really appreciate for a replya.Thank you
17 September 2022, 7:45 pmMark:
Dear Tanya,
Can you help me understand the explanation given here for a coffin problem. I am a bit skeptical of the answer.
Here is the link.
Why would one expect the projections O’N’ and O’M’ are both perpendicular to C’D’ by the argument use for O’K’ and O’L’ being perpendicular to A’D’?
O’K’ and O’L’ being perpendicular to A’D’ was set up from the start by the intersection that resulted in P.
How does that argument help for O’N’ and O’M’ since it already sets up the projection of perpendiculars to be perpendicular? Maybe I just have misunderstood???
30 December 2022, 7:22 pmJoel:
Hi, it looks like Number Gossip is down? I was directing some students that way for a small project — if it’s a long-term outage I’ll need to pivot but maybe it’s short term?
Thanks for checking and thanks for providing this service. It’s one of my favorite sites on the internet.
7 November 2024, 11:30 amhelena:
Hello, Tanya
I just discovered your blog by chance. I began reading your posts and could not stop. I am also mathematician from Russia. My husband too. Olympiads, Mensa, math schools and careers are all very familiar subjects. I shall continue reading your blog.
Best Regards.
4 March 2025, 1:07 am