Time for Jokes
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—Mike, here are 10 chocolates. Give half of them to your brother.
—OK. I’ll give him three chocolates.
—You can’t count?
—I can, but he can’t.
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—How is your progress?
—Done or left to do?
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—Q: What did Al Gore play on his guitar?
—A: An Algorithm.
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I put my root beer in a square glass. Now it’s just beer.
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—Q: Why shouldn’t you argue with a decimal?
—A: Decimals always have a point.
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—I am cold.
—Go stay in the corner. It’s 90 degrees.
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Arithmetic is the art of counting up to twenty without taking off your shoes.
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I bought a book online “How to implement an Internet scam.” Somehow, though, it’s been a while, and I still haven’t received it.
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Sex is a pathetic thrill for losers who are not able to take a triple integral.
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Paradox: Less money, more need to count it.

Can you use topology and set theory to categorize the sexes?
I came across an interesting dissertation that does just that; but is there any precedence for this, or can I write off such a study as humanities-scholar-gone-wacko?
any response would be welcome
28 November 2015, 11:04 am