Some Jokes
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A mathematical tragedy: two parallel lines fall in love.
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Life is not fair, even among gadgets: the desktop misbehaves, the monitor gets smacked.
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An amazing magic trick! Think of a number, add 5 to it, then subtract 5. The result is the number you thought of!
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—How can you distinguish a mathematician from a physicist?
—Ask for an antonym for the word parallel.
—A mathematician will answer perpendicular, and a physicist serial.
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—How can you distinguish a physicist from a mathematician?
—Ask the person to walk around a post.
—A physicist will ask why, and a mathematician clockwise or counter-clockwise?
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—Some bike thief managed to open my combination lock. How could they possibly guess that the combo was the year of the canonization of Saint Dominic by Pope Gregory IX at Rieti, Italy?
—What year was that?
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—Hello? Is this the anonymous FBI tip-line?
—Yes, Mr. Benson.
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—My five-year-old son knows the first 20 digits of Pi.
— I use it as the password on my laptop, where I keep all the games.
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I learned three things in school: how to rite and how to count.

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