An Organic Puzzle
Here is a puzzle that my ex-brother-in-law, Dodik, gave to me today:
Prove that every group with more than two elements has a non-trivial automorphism.
I usually love puzzles that are solved with a counter-intuitive brilliant idea. This puzzle is different — I didn’t solve it in one elegant swoop. But I still love the puzzle: it feels so natural, and it’s solution feels so natural, that I even decided to call this puzzle “organic.” Or, maybe, I am just in an organic mood today waiting for my organic bananas to be delivered from Boston Organics.

Simple! If all the internal automorphisms are trivial, the group must be commutative, and every commutative group of order >2 has it.
27 September 2008, 2:00 amMisha:
Here is a bit more complicated puzzle: why are fractals everywhere?
27 September 2008, 7:52 pmTomasz Wegrzanowski:
For every element x, y -> x * y * x^-1 is an automorphism. If it’s non-trivial we’re done.
If it’s trivial, then for all x, y we have x * y * x^-1 = y, or xy=yx, so group is abelian. For abelian groups x -> x^-1 is an automorphism. If it’s nontrivial, we’re done again.
Otherwise we have: x=x^-1, xy=yx. As this group is abelian, we know it’s isomorphic with a product of group of subgroup generated by {x,y} and corresponding quotient group (all subgroups of an abelian group are normal, so the quotient group must exist).
Now {e->e, x->y, y->x, xy->xy} is a nontrivial automorphism of the subgroup, and product of it and identity over the quotient group is a nontrivial automorphism of the entire group.
There’s probably a nicer way that doesn’t require quotient groups anywhere, but I cannot think of it.
7 October 2009, 5:33 pm